Facility Fee:$500/4 hours, this includes:
• Utilities
• Cleaning
Every additional hour:$50/hour
Security Fee: $250 refundable
Other Fees(if needed)
Equipment(s) needed(if any). Select all that apply:
Key Notes:
Please note that the church reserves the right to require a 3rd party cleaning service to ensure area is professionally cleaned.
Please note that the submission of this request does not guarantee a reservation.
Our review process includes consideration of the following:
1. Does the event align with the mission and vision of RC?
2. Is the requested facility space available?
3. What cost/fee will need to be included?
4. Does RC need to provide paid personnel onsite during the event?
The person/organization requesting the use of Church facility hereby absolves the church, its pastors, leadership, members, or people of any liability for personal injury to any individual resulting from the use of the church facilities and agrees to be responsible for any property damage that results during the use of the facilities. Please report any damage to the church office promptly. The group or individual using the facility is responsible for set up, clean up, and return to normal set up of the facility. (See “Responsibilities after of Facility use below)
Responsibilities of Facility Use
Please note that it is the responsibility of the group or individual using the facility to set up, clean up and return the facility to normal setup after the approved event or activity.
1. Collect all garbage into bags and bring it out to the trash can located near the Janitor’s room.
2. Wipe off tables. If food or drink is involved, wipe all tables clean using a mild soap and water solution. If stains occur, please notify office so correct cleaning solutions can be used to remove stains.
3. Return all tables, chairs, easels, and other equipment to their proper places after your event. Return all rooms used to their normal set up.
4. Take all extra food and beverages with you unless specific plans for usage have been made. Wipe counters and leave kitchen clean and ready for the next use.
5. Sweep floors and mop as needed. Report any damage to equipment or property promptly to the office.
6. Remove any items set out in connection with your event.
7. Brooms, dustpan, etc. are located in the Janitor’s Room. Please return these items when you are done using them.