Ministries & Departments

Restoring Hope and Transforming Lives!

Ministries at Restoration Church

Mighty Budz

Our vibrant children’s ministry help children (ages 2-12) develop a loving relationship with Jesus Christ, grow up as members of God’s family and learn to live a life of service to God.

Winning Women

Every adult woman or mother is a member of this vibrant community of women. Winning women love on women, curate programs aimed for the physical, emotional, financial, spiritual wellbeing of RC women. Join us!

Wise Men

Wise Men is the ministry for every adult male or father in RC. Wise Men constantly
develop themselves as leaders and servants of God. You will love these men!


Equipping Teens(ages 13-19) to discover and experience God’s love and empowering them in the knowledge of His Word so they can develop a lifestyle that honors God and lead others to Christ.


This is the young adult ministry geared towards the transitory state of Adulthood. Members of this ministry are youths transitioning into college, entering the marketplace, continuing in
postgraduate studies and many other exciting life changes.

Grace Fellowship

Grace Fellowship is the ministry for every adult male and female 60 years and above. They engage in wholesome fellowship activities which foster spiritual growth, good health and total well being.

Departments at Restoration Church

Digital Communication

Manages RC social communication and publicity through the use of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.


The hospitality team creates a welcoming experience for first-time visitors, guests and RC members, it also helps with general event management.


Engages in simple and practical teaching of the Word of God to make genuine Disciples of Jesus Christ.


Heart of Worship

Ministers to God and His people through Musical Worship. The team consists of both instrumentalists and vocalists.

Master’s Touch

This is the outreach and hospitality ministry which caters to the needs of the less privileged, provide comfort, support and care for RC members and guests as well as overseeing the operations of the Food Bank.

Prayer & Intercessory

Actively promotes a vibrant prayer life through constant
intercession and prayers within the church and community at large.

Beautification / Maintenance

Oversees the visual enhancement of our house of worship to maintain a presentable appearance and create a beautiful
environment to magnify the name of our Lord.


Oversees finance and accounting procedures to ensure faithful stewardship over the resources entrusted to the church.

Ushers and Greeters

They create a welcoming and warm environment which leads to a genuine worship experience at RC.

Excel Leadership & Empowerment Institute

Serves as a resource for the RC community; providing knowledge and coaching which fosters the fulfillment of purpose and empowerment for a life of impact and success.

Evangelism Ministry

Intentional in taking the Gospel to the unreached / unchurched / unsaved.

Welcome/Follow Up

Helps guests find their place in the church by becoming the familiar face/buddy who hears, sees and meets their needs until they are established within the RC family.

Sanctuary Keepers

Maintains cleanliness in our worship center so everyone can have a conducive atmosphere worthy of God’s presence and fellowship.


Attends to Pastors and guest ministers; they also ensure
orderliness and safety during service.


Transports church members to and from church during worship services and special programs.

Technical / Audio Visual

Provides technical support for all church events .This team handles the operation and maintenance of video, media and audio equipment.

You are welcome to collaborate with us through any of our Ministries and Department. If you would like to serve as a Volunteer Worker in any of our Departments, please complete the Volunteer Workers Form under Resources.

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